Use the Blend Colors With Materials feature to blend a color with an existing textured material.
Changing the color or material of a single wall within your Chief Architect plan is accomplished by either using the Wall Specification or Material Painter.
Photographs can be applied to picture frames, computer and TV screens, along with other objects by creating custom materials.
Most of the materials in the library are set up to be opaque, however, you can adjust it to be transparent using the Define Material dialog, such as to create a glass material that shows store hours for a commercial building.
Use the Floor and Ceiling Finish Definition dialogs to control the floor and ceiling materials that are applied to individual rooms, floor levels, or the entire structure.
Reasons why materials would flicker when a camera is rotated include: structure placement, large terrain, materials occupying the same space, and video card specific issues.
Use the Define Material dialog to rotate both the pattern and texture associated with a material.
Ceiling materials can be changed through the default settings, through the room specification dialog, using the Material Painter, or using the Ceiling Plane Specification dialog.
Chief Architect has the ability to obtain a color from any image on your screen, including other programs or web pages, and implement it into a custom material to be applied to an object or surface in your plan.
Create custom materials using image files saved on your computer. These materials can then be applied to objects in your plan.
You can use light sources to help produce dramatic, realistic 3D views. The two types of light sources in Chief Architect are Point lights and Spot lights.
The Screen Capture tool allows you to add backdrops, images, or materials directly to the library or to create picture objects.
The Material Painter modes help you specify exactly what is painted when you use the Material Painter tool: Component, Object, Room, Floor, Plan.
Reflections in mirrors only generate in perspective 3D views using rendering techniques that show material textures. If you're in a supported camera view, but reflections still fail to generate, the Reflections setting may be disabled.
If the missing file is a custom backdrop, image, picture or texture, you have several choices to resolve this issue in the short term including helping the program to locate the missing file on your computer, replace the missing file with a new file, or remove the reference to the missing file from the plan or layout in question.
Create a copy of a Material in the Library Browser, Paste it into your User Catalog, and edit its properties.
Creating an etched glass material is easy with Chief Architect's material tools. In this article, we will show you how to customize an existing material located in the Chief Architect Core Catalogs.
Adjust fire materials to have an emissive value and then add additional lights to provide a realistic, glowing, fireplace effect.
Use one of several fire materials to create a three-dimensional flame by applying the flame material to a 3d object such as a cylinder.
Chief Architect's Material Region tools can be used to place different materials on a floor or wall within the same room, such as a walk-in shower.
Default materials can be restored using the Specification dialog or Material Painter.