
3D Library / Furniture

Storage No.5 Lockers and Mailboxes

Furniture / Storage


Chief Architect

Project Description

Use free-standing lockers and apartment style mailbox units to depict spaces for gyms and lobbies or leverage the custom door styles and hardware to create custom cabinet pieces of your own. See the full selection here:


Price: $5.99 or Included with SSA


Date Uploaded: 09/11/17
Last Updated: 12/30/22
Likes: 99
Downloads: 14810
File Type: .CALIBZ
Compatible With: Chief Architect Premier
Chief Architect Interiors
Home Designer Pro
Home Designer Essentials
Home Designer Interiors
Home Designer Suite
Home Designer Architectural
Versions: X9 / 2018 (5.9 MB)
X10 / 2019 (5.9 MB)
X11 / 2020 (5.9 MB)
X12 / 2021 (5.9 MB)
X13 / 2022 (5.9 MB)
X14 / 2023 (10.82 MB)
X15 / 2024 (12.52 MB)
X16 / 2025 (12.52 MB)