
3D Library / Fixtures and Appliances

Bathroom Fixtures No.4 Shower Hardware

Fixtures and Appliances


Chief Architect

Project Description

An assortment of glass shower wall and door hardware as well as additional faucets and steam shower controls for custom shower designs. See the entire collection here:


Price: $3.99 or Included with SSA


Date Uploaded: 10/20/14
Last Updated: 07/26/23
Likes: 372
Downloads: 53030
File Type: .CALIBZ
Compatible With: Chief Architect Premier
Chief Architect Interiors
Home Designer Pro
Home Designer Architectural
Versions: X9 / 2018 (2 MB)
X10 / 2019 (2 MB)
X11 / 2020 (2 MB)
X12 / 2021 (2 MB)
X13 / 2022 (2 MB)
X14 / 2023 (2 MB)
X15 / 2024 (2.71 MB)
X16 / 2025 (2.71 MB)