Home design can be a complex and multifaceted process that involves careful consideration of many different factors. From the practical and functional aspects of the space, such as flow and storage, to the more esthetic elements, such as color and texture, designing a home requires a thoughtful and intentional approach. The principles of home design provide a framework for creating a living space that is comfortable, functional, and visually appealing. By understanding these principles and incorporating them into the design process, it is possible to create a home that meets the specific needs and preferences of the occupants, while also being sustainable and environmentally responsible.
Experts in the Field
What AI is Saying about Chief Architect

by Kerry Hansen & Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere right now and being in the tech industry, we wanted to see what it had to say about Chief Architect Software so we asked ChatGPT, “Why should I buy Chief Architect Software?” and these results which came up in a matter of minutes.
(more…)Designing Custom Homes: An Intricate Puzzle with a Few Surprises

by Kerry Hansen
Karen Hamilton has been a Chief Architect Home Designer customer since the early 1990s, designing custom homes in the greater Houston and Upper Texas coast since 1978. Recently, Karen won an international design contest, and her tool of choice is Home Designer Professional.
(more…)How to Choose an Interior Designer

by Kerry Hansen
Interior Designers understand the client’s needs, lifestyle, and design style. They are architects for interiors, designing all aspects of additions and renovations in addition to creating a cohesive look through the fabric, furniture, and color selections. Is there something about your space that makes life difficult? Designers can bring functionality to an otherwise clumsy or problematic area of the home.
Deciding to update your interior is an exciting time! It can also be overwhelming. Finding the right interior designer is the key to enjoying the process and its outcome. Here are five tips for finding a designer perfect for you, your home, and your style.
(more…)Rendering Tips and Tricks

Chief Academy has come and gone, and we are left with the notes from the information we shared. I was tasked with the opportunity to provide some thoughts on the rendering functions of Chief Architect and how to go about the process. I’ve condensed my PowerPoint slides and reformulated them for reference in this post. I hope you find some helpful pieces in your rendering journey!
This will be a high-level topic that explores a lot of moving parts. Follow the embedded links throughout to learn more about different topics.
(more…)Love of Place is at the Heart of Lake Land Studio’s Craft

By Anne Smith
A design studio in Hattiesburg, MS achieves success in a surprising variety of projects by focusing on harmony with surroundings and a respect for history.
We first got to know the team at Lake + Land Studio back in October when they won first place in the Chief Architect Residential Design Contest, and discovered their involvement in a number of impressive projects – including HGTV’s series, ‘Home Town’. As ‘Home Town’ celebrates its 4th season, we checked in with them to learn more about the various projects they are involved in and the challenges of designing for a t.v. show.
(more…)TheBuild.tv Launches for DIY Home Renovation Education

Dreaming of renovating your home, but not sure what to expect? Thebuild.tv by Anthony Carrino may just be the new series you’ve been waiting for.
(more…)The Value of Hiring a Certified Living in Place Professional (CLIPP) for your Next Design

Did you know that a person aged 60 needs three times the light as a 20-year-old?
That may seem like a drastic amount, but Certified Living in Place Professional (CLIPP) Adam Gibson explains the reasoning behind this statement: people over 60, “need more light, and everyone needs a high Color Rendering Index (CRI) to best reveal the colors of various objects. It’s no fun going outside in your black socks only to realize they’re blue. One solution? Light-colored walls washed in light provide more ambient light than the same quantity of recessed lights pointing toward the floor.”
(more…)5 Ways to Boost Productivity in Chief Architect

You don’t know what you don’t know.
No matter the type of tools you use, you want them to work for you and perform in ways that make your job easier. We know this is especially true for software, a tool that has specifically evolved in our culture to enhance speed, efficiency, and accuracy.
(more…)Design for Living

By Adam Gibson, Architectural Designer, CMKBD, CLIPP, CAPS
There’s a growing need to make homes safer and healthier with thoughtful elements that don’t compromise aesthetics.
Many of us use assistive devices that have become part of our everyday lives, things we consider normal… take glasses and hearing aids, for instance. Why not take this same approach when designing a home?
Baby boomers are retiring at an astonishing rate, creating issues not often addressed. Aside from them, many families have specific needs (outside of age) for features embedded in design. We are doing them a disservice if we don’t educate ourselves, and in doing so, them, on how to contribute to their health and welfare.