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Home Designer Architectural
I have been using Chief Architect’s Home Designer for about three years now and it has done so many important projects that I wouldn’t have been able to complete without it.

Home Designer Architectural
Just bought your House Designer software yesterday. (Been trying it out for a couple of weeks). I’m using it to design the house that I always dream about and I want to share with you that I love your product to death.
I have been testing out several other software – online & desktop. None came close. They’re so complicated and troublesome that I thought that it was me being helplessly stupid and therefore not being able to use them. Rarely, have I encountered a software like yours, one that can EASILY and INTUITIVELY do what I wish for and then more.
We sometimes voice our opinion because we have something to complain about. But not this time for me. Kudos to you for such an awesome piece of software.
Thank you so much for saving my time and helping me to see what my dream home looks like before actually building it! Keep up the good work!
I haven’t been this excited about software in a long time.
I downloaded the Home Designer trial and fell in love immediately. I wished I had known about it sooner. I was so jazzed I couldn’t sleep and stayed up all night “playing” (I mean, working and exploring). I haven’t been this excited about software in a long time. I loved the various 3D view options (Standard, Glass, Technical, and Watercolor). I also loved the ability to start with a specific architectural style and then everything created is already kickstarted in that style.