Top Home Improvement Projects to Build Equity and Increase Value

A render of the silverton sample plan designed in Chief Architect Software.

Phillip Gibney Profile Image By Phillip Gibney

For many, a home is not just a place to live, it’s also a way to build wealth and financial security. A common strategy for millions of homeowners looking to increase their home’s value is to complete home improvement projects. When considering which projects to pursue, estimating the project’s return on investment (ROI) early in the planning process is essential.  The ROI for a given home improvement project helps predict how much your home value might increase based on how much money you spend on the project. This is important because it can help you prioritize which home improvement projects to undertake based on your goals.  For example, if you spend $30,000 on a home project and this project increases the long-term value of your home by $30,000, then the ROI is 100%; however, if it increases the value of your home by $15,000, the ROI will only be 50% and may have you reprioritizing your list of home improvement projects. In this article, we will discuss home improvement projects that consistently have the best ROI and learn how 3D home design software can help ensure your next project is a success.


Chief Challenge: B-52’s Tribute Project

Chief Architect Challenge Graphic

Derek's Profile Image by Derek Pedersen

The Chief Architect Challenge is a design exercise crafted to test your skills and encourage learning with fun and unique projects. The theme for this series is the B-52’s. How many design elements can you recreate in 10 minutes? Chief Architect staff will judge the entries – architectural elements are more important than colors & materials. Each Chief Challenge winner will receive a Limited-Edition Chief Architect Gear care kit.


2024 Interior Design Trends That Will Transform Your Space

Modern home design with shed roof

Profile image of Danielle Schroeder By Danielle Schroeder

Welcome to the world of interior design, where trends constantly evolve and influence how we shape our living spaces. As we step into 2024, it’s time to explore the exciting interior design trends that will dominate the year.


7 Principles of Home Design

3D rendering exterior modern farmhouse with pergola

Derek's Profile Image by Derek Pedersen

Home design can be a complex and multifaceted process that involves careful consideration of many different factors. From the practical and functional aspects of the space, such as flow and storage, to the more esthetic elements, such as color and texture, designing a home requires a thoughtful and intentional approach. The principles of home design provide a framework for creating a living space that is comfortable, functional, and visually appealing. By understanding these principles and incorporating them into the design process, it is possible to create a home that meets the specific needs and preferences of the occupants, while also being sustainable and environmentally responsible.


How to Prepare for Chief Academy

Students in the Advanced Residential class at Chief Academy.

Author, Kerry Hansen By Kerry Hansen

Chief Architect is proud to have Chief Academy back and in person this year! Chief Academy is an excellent way to get inspired. Spend two and a half days learning new skills to increase your knowledge of the software. Connect with our staff, network with industry peers, test drive new products, get answers to your questions, and more. As a class participant, there are several things you can do to help prepare and ensure your success during your time at Chief Academy.


Harnessing the Power of Chief Architect Software to Create a Pet-Friendly Home Design

Built in pet space with bed and additional storage for treats and other essentials.

Profile image of Danielle Schroeder By Danielle Schroeder

As pets become integral members of our families, designing homes that accommodate their needs and well-being has gained significant importance. Home design software offers a powerful toolset for envisioning, planning, and executing pet-friendly design solutions. By leveraging the capabilities of these software tools, homeowners and designers can create aesthetically pleasing, functional, and safe living spaces that cater to the needs of both humans and their beloved pets.


Creating a Functional Home Using Chief Architect Software for Efficient Space Planning

Dollhouse floor plan view using Chief Architect

Profile image of Danielle Schroeder By Danielle Schroeder

We spend a significant portion of our lives in our homes. Our living spaces should be designed to be comfortable, functional, and aesthetically pleasing. Residential space planning can help you achieve an organized and well-planned living space.


Chief Architect Brand Partner Spotlight: Moso Bamboo Products

A deck on the ocean made using Moso Bamboo products.

Dani's Profile Image by Dani Forbush

In today’s world, sustainability is a top priority for many consumers, especially when it comes to home building and renovations. The market for environmentally friendly and sustainable construction materials is increasing, and Moso Bamboo Products is at the forefront with its inventive range of building materials made from bamboo.

Recently, we had the opportunity to interview Ryan from Moso Bamboo Products over an Instagram live, where he discussed the company, products, and what it’s like to be a Brand Partner with Chief Architect. Moso Bamboo Products is a company that specializes in creating eco-friendly and sustainable products made from bamboo. Bamboo is a fast-growing, renewable resource that is incredibly strong, durable, and versatile, making it an ideal material for a wide range of products.


8 Tips to Improve Your Productivity in Chief Architect

An elevation of the Silverton plan designed in Chief Architect.

by Phillip Gibney

Do you periodically take the time to evaluate your use of Chief Architect and improve your productivity and skills in the program? Doing so can streamline your workflow, reduce the time it takes to complete a project, and provide you with higher-quality renders and construction documents. This may entail breaking bad habits and forming good new habits, updating various aspects of the program, or simply learning about unfamiliar tools.


What AI is Saying about Chief Architect

The front exterior elevation of a modern home with a shed roofs

Author, Kerry Hansen by Kerry Hansen & Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere right now and being in the tech industry, we wanted to see what it had to say about Chief Architect Software so we asked ChatGPT, “Why should I buy Chief Architect Software?” and these results which came up in a matter of minutes.
