Architect Robin McCarthy and Junior Designer Heather Brewer placed 2nd in the Chief Architect Residential Design Contest. See how their projects have come to life with Robin’s passion for design and Heather’s skill with 3D Modeling.

Robin McCarthy (Left) and Heather Brewer (Right)
“My name is Robin McCarthy, my company, Arch Studio, Inc., was founded in 2004 and we are a California Licensed Architecture firm located in San Jose, Ca. Our projects include custom residential remodels, additions, and new construction throughout the Bay Area. We have also completed many commercial projects, such as restaurants, salons, and fitness facilities. We have a passion for design at our company and look forward to each and every project.
“I am the CEO and Founder of Arch Studio, Inc. I am a licensed Architect in California and began my passion for design in college at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, California. Heather Brewer, one of our architectural designers, and 3D Modeler did all of the 3D Modeling for the project submission. She graduated from John Brown University in Arkansas with a degree in Construction Management. She, too, has a passion for design and architecture. She joined my firm 2 years ago and has been working in Chief Architect ever since. She learned it basically from scratch with the help of the online training videos. We now use Chief Architect for basically every project.
“I have been an architect for about 25 years, and for 20 of those years primarily used 2D software for design and drafting. About 6 years ago, I decided that I wanted to find software that would better-assist my clients with visualization of our designs, and also find a product that eased with the mass amount of work involved with the preparation of construction documents. A colleague had mentioned Chief Architect and I immediately signed up for the free trial. I discovered during the trial period that the software was user-friendly. In addition, I found that I could start working immediately, and take any of my 2D digital floor plans and start snapping wall lines.
“Fast forward, I have been a Chief Architect customer for about 5 years, and what influenced my decision to purchase the software was the quality of the product and the superior graphics. I also was impressed that the product was designed for people in the design industry. I spent about 6 months researching various 3D software packages and ultimately found that there was no other product out there that matched my checklist for ease of use, quality, and price.”
Winning Design
More from Robin and Heather
Connect with Robin and Heather
Arch Studio, Inc.
1155 Meridian Avenue, Suite 207
San Jose, CA 95125
Office : (408) 662-6305