By Emily Black
Sarah placed 1st in the Chief Architect Residential Design Contest! She is a home design hobbyist, but you can see her eye for design shine through in her winning home design.

Sarah was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas, and now calls the Dayton, Ohio area home with her husband.
“I have always had a great interest in design. When I was in junior high school, I hung large pieces of butcher paper up on my bedroom walls and started drawing floor plans of my “dream home.” I then started using graph paper to draw out my ideas. In high school, I was the only girl in my architectural drawing class, and consistently scored the highest grades! In college at Texas Tech University, I took several interior design and architecture courses. One of my favorite projects was a remodel for actual clients. I visited the home, came up with a remodel design, drew blueprints, and built a model and color design boards. Ultimately, I changed my major, but the passion for design never left me! I have always had the vision of my “dream home” in my head, and Chief Architect was able to help me finally see it come to life in 3D! I am just a hobbyist designer, but hope to one day be able to bring my design to life!”
I have been a Chief Architect customer for less than a year! I love the versatility, the ease of use, and the video tutorials.
Winning Design
Thank you, Sarah, for choosing Home Designer Architectural to bring your dream home one step closer to reality! We hope to see the project come to life.