Join us for training and other live events, in person or online. On-demand training is also available.
All classes are 8:30 AM–12:30 PM Pacific Time.
On‑demand training features a series of videos that are based on the material covered in the respective classroom events. On‑demand training is a great way to learn without having to wait for a scheduled class to begin. View Course Descriptions.
If you are a kitchen or bath designer who is evaluating or just getting started with Chief Architect, this boot camp is a great way to learn the basics of the software for interior projects. This free session covers the following topics:
Learn how to better communicate with your clients and sell the job with 3D presentations. See how using different rendering techniques such as watercolor, technical illustration and real-time photorealistic ray tracing can provide your clients with feedback that focuses on design concepts, helping them to move forward in the sales process.
This event includes a full schedule of learning opportunities and networking events. Learn More
Eligible for NKBA / NARI CEU CreditIf you are evaluating the software or just getting started using Chief Architect, Residential Boot Camp is a great way to learn the basics of how the software works—and best of all, it's free. In this session, we will cover the following topics: