Toggling the Display of the Foundation in a Cross Section/Elevation View

Reference Number: KB-00175
Last Modified: July 10, 2024

The information in this article applies to:

Chief Architect Premier or Chief Architect Interiors


I would like to turn off the display of Floor 0, my foundation level, so that I don't see it in my cross section/elevation views. How can I do this?


You can control the display of foundation walls, slabs, curbs, piers and footings in the Layer Display Options dialog or Active Layer Display Options side window.

  • Foundation walls, including grade beams, slab footings and garage curbs, are placed on the “Walls, Foundation” layer by default.
  • Footings under slab footings and foundation walls are placed on the “Footings” layer by default, as are foundation piers.
  • Post footings and deck post footings are placed on the “Footings, Post” and “Footings, Deck Post” layers by default.
  • Slabs created using the Slab tools are placed on the “Slabs” layer by default.
  • Wall labels and slab labels are placed on the “Walls, Labels” and “Polylines 3D, Labels” layers, respectively.
  • The “Foundations” layer controls the display of all objects on Floor 0 in camera views but does not affect floor plan view.

To toggle the display of the foundation in an elevation view

  1. With your cross section/elevation view active, select Tools> Layer Settings> Display Options or access the Active Layer Display Options  side window.

  2. Scroll down to the "Foundation" layer and remove the checkmark from either the Disp column or the Display checkbox.

    Turning off the Foundation layer in the Section View Layer Set

  3. Click OK to apply the change.

Cross section/elevations can also be clipped to limit what you see in the view. To learn more, please see the "Clipping Cross Section/Elevation Views" resource located in the Related Articles section below.