Using Lower Wall Type if Split by Butting Roof to Apply Drywall to Part of an Exterior Wall

Reference Number: KB-00370
Last Modified: June 5, 2024

The information in this article applies to:



How can I create a single wall that has drywall where it is serves as an interior wall, and siding where it serves as an exterior wall?


In some situations, a single wall may need to serve as both an exterior wall with sheathing and siding materials and also an interior wall with drywall.

A classic example of this is where a bump-out or addition meets the gable wall of a taller structure. The roof over the addition will butt against the taller gable wall, and the gable wall will require siding above the roof and drywall below it.

Cut away view of a house with exterior walling having dry wall specifically lined down where the roof meets the wall.

This condition can be easily achieved using the Lower Wall Type if Split by Butting Roof setting located in the Wall Specification dialog. However, it's important to finalize the footprint of your plan, particularly the floor heights and the positioning of your ceiling and roof planes, prior to enabling this setting.

To use the Lower Wall Type if Split by Butting Roof setting

  1. In your plan, navigate to 3D> Create Orthographic View> Backclipped Cross Section from the menu, then click in front of the wall that you need to edit and drag a short camera arrow beginning in the one-story area and ending on the other side of the wall, in the two-story area.

    Create a Backclipped Cross Section view

  2. In the cross section view, click the Select Objects tool, then click on the wall that has siding where it is not needed.

  3. In the lower left corner of the program window, locate the Status Bar, and ensure that it says "Polyline produced by 3D wall editor". If it says "Exterior Room", click the Select Next Object edit button or press the Tab key on your keyboard.

    Select the wall you want to apply drywall to

  4. With the wall selected, click the Open Object edit button.

  5. On the Roof panel of the Wall Specification dialog that displays, check the Lower Wall Type if Split by Butting Roof box, choose an appropriate wall type for the lower wall using the drop-down menu, then click OK.

    In this example, the "Interior-6" wall type is specified.

    Check the Lower Wall Type if Split by Butting Roof box on the Roof panel of the Wall Specification dialog

    The wall will now have two parts - an upper part with siding and a lower part with drywall.

    If you open this particular wall up to specification again and access the Wall Types panel, you will now notice that it has been specified as a pony wall. The major difference between this particular wall and a normal pony wall is that the adjacent roof's position is determining where the wall types change.

    Selected wall has siding and drywall

    If there is a wall above the selected wall with this same condition, simply select it and repeat the same steps.

    Selected wall has more siding than drywall