Use the terrain tools to create an accurate site plan as well as accurate topographical data; terrain data can also be imported from an outside source.
The basics of creating a terrain perimeter, sloping a lot, road tools, building pad height, terrain modifiers, terrain & retaining walls, setbacks and adding a north pointer.
The Terrain Perimeter is a closed polyline defining the boundary of the terrain that generates in 3D views and of the contour lines that generate in plan view. Select "Create Terrain Perimeter" to add this boundary.
Use the Elevation Point, Line, Spline, or Region tools to add slope to your terrain.
With the terrain tools you can add variety and detail to your landscaping projects.
Save an image of a parcel map or lot, import the image, scale it and trace it to create a Site Plan or Terrain Perimeter
Import a Surveyor DWG file, map the layers for the terrain elevation, terrain perimeter and other layers to create a Site Plan or 3D render of the Terrain
Change the values of your elevation data to match sea level by using the Transform / Replicate Object tool.
Use the Elevation tools and Retaining Walls to sculpt your lot.
Learn how to adjust terrain for a walk out basement in this video.
Using the quadrant bearing information from a surveyor, we can create a site plan for our project.
Create a copy of your terrain perimeter and used the concentric resize to create the setback lines for your lot.
Show the wall or roof layers on the plot plan by adjusting the display of layers.
Use the Procedural Grass tool to create three-dimensional grass features.
The Distribution Path and Region tools can be used to create a wide variety of landscaping elements.
The Convert Polyline tool can be used to convert a CAD shape into a distribution region or path.