Setting Preferences will change the user interface to suit the way you want to work in Chief Architect.
Setting up defaults before beginning any project will improve your productivity and keep your project working smoothly.
An overview of the features within the Library Browser side window.
Layers and layersets can help declutter a plan without deleting the information.
Each Layer Set contains the same group of layers, all the individual layers created in a plan; and each layer set can show, hide and display those layers uniquely.
Saved Plan Views allows you to control Layer Sets, Defaults, Default Sets, current CAD Layer and Reference Displays. Using Saved Plan Views allows you to open multiple 2D plan views simultaneously, save the floor and zoom information and control the display of pony walls associated with the view.
Drawing and editing CAD based objects is an essential skill to learn as the edit tools and methods are used for virtually all objects in Chief Architect.
Learn how to create roofs in Chief Architect using the automatic build roof tool and how to use the manual roof tools to create and edit roof planes, change the wall properties for gable and hip roofs, learn about gambrel, shed and other roof styles.
Learn how to use the Backup Entire Plan and Backup Entire Project tools to create zipped folders containing your project.