K&B Class Preparation Videos

Title / Description


14:54 Default Settings Summary

Default Settings Summary

Setting up defaults before beginning any project will improve your productivity and keep your project working smoothly.

Video No. 56


6:58 Preference Settings Summary

Preference Settings Summary

Setting Preferences will change the user interface to suit the way you want to work in Chief Architect.

Video No. 57


22:24 Modifying Cabinets

Modifying Cabinets

How to create and modify cabinets in Chief Architect – manufacturer cabinets or custom cabinets

Video No. 6086


22:09 Kitchen Plan

Kitchen Plan

A brief tour the Chief Architect user interface and how it’s used during the process, starting with a new file using the K&B template, drawing the walls, dimensioning the room, and adding the doors & windows.

Video No. 163


8:33 Library Browser Overview

Library Browser Overview

An overview of the features within the Library Browser side window.

Video No. 268


30:54 Creating Layouts and Construction Documents

Creating Layouts and Construction Documents

Learn how to use the Layout tool to create your Construction Drawings sending plans, sections and elevations to the layout in scale. The template mentioned in this video can be found here: https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=63938

Video No. 48


3:20 Printing & Saving a PDF

Printing & Saving a PDF

Use the print dialog to create and save a PDF.

Video No. 5233


6:59 Backup and Revision Management

Backup and Revision Management

Learn how to use the Backup Entire Plan and Backup Entire Project tools to create zipped folders containing your project.

Video No. 255

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