Manually draw floor and ceiling trusses or automatically generate joists, specifying joist size, type, and direction.
Set Wall defaults to allow the floor platforms to hang from a ledger.
Select Generate Between Platforms in the Wall Specification dialog to fill in the gap between floor or ceiling platforms when the selected railing or invisible wall separates rooms with different floor or ceiling heights.
The importance of floor framing is a function of your structural platform settings. A platform's height is not only important for framing members it can also impact your elevations. Learn about the various floor framing techniques and best practices in this session. [NKBA .1 CEU]
Use joist direction lines and bearing lines, beams and walls to control how a platform frames.
You can customize the floor framing for your structure using manual framing and editing tools.
Draw posts and beams manually, set their material and size properties and then copy them on any desired module.
Floor and ceiling trusses can be used instead of joists to frame platforms