Wall Framing

Generate and manipulate wall framing; set framing member type and size, frame walls with multiple framing layers, add wall blocking in a framing detail.

Title / Description


6:31 Framing Wall Corners and Intersections

Framing Wall Corners and Intersections

Set the default for how all wall corner intersections frame, then modify individual ones as desired.

Video No. 501


11:17 Door and Window Framing Controls

Door and Window Framing Controls

Framing components for doors and windows can be specified in defaults and modified on an opening by opening basis where needed.

Video No. 5239


9:44 Wall Blocking for Cabinets

Wall Blocking for Cabinets

Use the wall bridging tool to create a framing member for kitchen wall cabinets.

Video No. 10123


7:51 Adding Blocking and Bracing

Adding Blocking and Bracing

Roof, wall, and joist blocking can be drawn manually.

Video No. 336


4:11 Controlling Wall Stud Spacing and Materials

Controlling Wall Stud Spacing and Materials

The Framing material type can be used to calculate stick framing quantities when assigned to the Main Layer of a wall type definition.

Video No. 334


3:45 Wall Framing Labels

Wall Framing Labels

Use the Specifications to change the wall labels that correspond to the matching wall detail.

Video No. 5304


8:57 Multiple Wall Framing Layers

Multiple Wall Framing Layers

Create multiple framing layers in your walls and stagger or align the framing members on the desired stud spacing layout.

Video No. 5317


4:34 Creating Horizontal Wall Framing

Creating Horizontal Wall Framing

Use the wall material settings within the Wall Type Definition dialog to specify horizontal framing members.

Video No. 200


3:42 Framing Attic Walls with End Trusses

Framing Attic Walls with End Trusses

Check Retain Wall Framing to preserve the framing of the selected wall when the wall framing is globally rebuilt.

Video No. 333


3:39 Designating Platform or Balloon Framing Conditions

Designating Platform or Balloon Framing Conditions

Select Generate Between Platforms in the Wall Specification dialog to fill in the gap between floor or ceiling platforms when the selected railing or invisible wall separates rooms with different floor or ceiling heights.

Video No. 316

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