New features added in X15 include: Live Materials List, updated Library Browser, Coordinate Axes, improved elevation snapping, Replace Fonts, custom pattern generator, Automatic Trusses, Move Sun and Moon in a simulated sky, and more!
New features added in X15 include: Live Materials List, updated Library Browser, Coordinate Axes, improved elevation snapping, Replace Fonts, custom pattern generator, Automatic Trusses, Move Sun and Moon in a simulated sky, and more!
Productivity features added in X15 include: Live Materials List, updated Library Browser, Coordinate Axes, Replace Fonts, , merged Open Object and Open Symbol dialogs and more.
New building features added in X15 include: Automatic trusses, added methods for rough opening size, u-shaped wall corner framing, extend siding and sheathing over foundation slab, skylight detail page, dormer shafts, and more!
New design features in X15 include: Custom pattern creator, display pilasters and panels in plan view, convert cabinet moldings to polylines, add toe kicks to partitions, offset railings, radius controls for curved stairs and more!
New drafting features added in X15 include: Offset reference display, header height and room volume included in schedules, automatic schedule sorting, minimum number of rows in schedules, custom arrow heads, and more!
New presentation features added to X15 include: Procedural grass, extend terrain to horizon, move sun and moon, de-noise physically based renders, depth cue, below grade lines and more!