What's New in X15

What's New in X15

Video No. 5519

New features added in X15 include: Live Materials List, updated Library Browser, Coordinate Axes, improved elevation snapping, Replace Fonts, custom pattern generator, Automatic Trusses, Move Sun and Moon in a simulated sky, and more!

Current Playlist: Features Introduced in X15

25:31 What's New in X15

What's New in X15

6:31 What's New in X15 - Productivity Features

What's New in X15 - Productivity Features

3:54 What's New in X15 - Building Features

What's New in X15 - Building Features

5:05 What's New in X15 - Design Features

What's New in X15 - Design Features

5:43 What's New in X15 - Drafting Features

What's New in X15 - Drafting Features

6:05 What's New in X15 - Presentation Features

What's New in X15 - Presentation Features