Draw posts and beams manually, set their material and size properties and then copy them on any desired module.
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Floor and Ceiling Framing
194 - Automatic Floor Trusses
5202 - Creating Floor Platforms that Hang inside Walls
316 - Designating Platform or Balloon Framing Conditions
10229 - Floor Framing
327 - Controlling Direction and Bearing of Floor Framing
336 - Adding Blocking and Bracing
503 - Manually Editing Floor Platform Framing
328 - Framing a Floor with the Beam and Post Tools
339 - Framing with Floor and Ceiling Trusses
Posts Beams and Columns
408 - Creating Stacked Columns and Converting Them into Symbols
330 - Drawing Columns Using Posts, Railings, Polyline Solids and Library Objects
5314 - Working with Post Tools, Framing Labels and Edit Tools
405 - Drawing Decorative Beam or Truss Symbols