To see framing in elevation views make sure framing has been generated and that the appropriate layers are set to display in those views.
Several properties relating to wall layers can be adjusted using the Wall Type Definitions dialog. Once these properties are specified, wall layers can be toggled on and off using the Layer Display Options dialog or Active Layer Display Options side window.
Delete Layer Sets using the Layer Set Management dialog. If the Delete button is grayed out, then the selected layer set cannot be deleted.
The display of foundation walls, slabs, curbs, piers and footings is controlled in the Layer Display Options dialog. The 'Foundations' layer controls the display of all objects on Floor 0 in camera views, but does not affect floor plan view.
Saving your houses or other structures as 3D symbols allows you to place multiple buildings in a single plan to create 3D views of an entire neighborhood, subdivision, or lot with multiple structures.
The layers of one plan file can be made to exactly duplicate the layers of a second drawing by exporting the layers from one file, then importing them into the second.
In Chief Architect, you can change the both the line color and the line style used to represent nearly all objects in floor plan view - including walls, floors, furniture, terrain features, and many other objects.
When there is more than one floor in a model, it is often helpful to see how they relate to each other. Any floor can be shown as a Reference Floor.
There are various ways to change an object's layer, including: changing it in Default Settings, in the object's specification dialog, using the Layer Painter tool, and using the Layer Eyedropper tool. Additionally, in X14, you can merge layers together.
Objects on layers with a lock symbol in the Lock column cannot be selected by the user and new objects cannot be drawn on a locked layer. Layers with objects that you need to see as a reference while working, but not select, are good candidates for locking.
Layer Sets are used to control the layer settings for different views in a plan or layout file. All views associated with a plan file - including views sent to layout - make use of layer sets stored in that plan file. A layer set consists of a complete list of the layers in the current plan or layout along with the display settings for each layer as set for a particular type of view or purpose. These display settings can be modified, and can be different for each layer set.
Create a custom Plumbing Reference Layer Set to view plumbing fixtures from Floor 1 on the Floor 0 foundation plan.
Placing an object on a layer that is currently not displayed in the current view will generate this message.
A great way to show the as-built condition on a remodel project is to create an As-Built Mask CAD block of the existing structure following these easy instructions.
Since mobile devices have different capabilities, it is wise to simplify your design prior to exporting your Chief Architect plans for use in the 3D Viewer.
Turn on the display of the Active Layer Set Control by accessing the Toolbar Customization dialog. Additionally, you can enable the Layer Set Control to display in the Active Layer Display Options (ALDO) side window for ease of access.
Each object in the program is assigned to a layer, which can be thought of as a transparency sheet on which objects are drawn, and nearly all views in the program use multiple layers, like stacking transparency sheets together.
Saved Plan Views are preconfigured collections of the following settings, allowing you to quickly change them all at once as you create a variety of construction drawings: Default Set, Layer Set, Reference Display properties, and general plan view-specific settings.