Printing issues can generally be resolved by specifying a default printer, using the Clear Printer Info tool, or creating PDF, and then printing the PDF.
3D Camera views may not generate properly if your video card does not meet the minimum system requirements, has an outdated video driver, or if you're experiencing a hardware or software incompatibility. Follow the instructions in this article to check the video card's information, update its driver, and adjust the Render Preferences if necessary. If these preliminary steps do not resolve the camera view issue you are encountering, follow the steps to submit additional system and program information to our Technical Support team for advanced troubleshooting.
Most installation problems are caused by interference from other programs or services running in the background on the system.
Missing data from DWG or DXF imports can be a result of version compatibility issues, content that is located in model space vs paper space, external referenced files, and more.
If you do not see wall framing, first make sure that you have built wall framing in the plan. Then, check to see if the 'Retain Wall Framing' setting is enabled. Lastly, ensure that the Wall Type has been correctly configured.
Walls may not appear in camera views because they are set to invisible, the 'Walls, Normal layer' is turned off, or the ceiling heights are incorrect.
Learn to reset your toolbars back to their default configuration if they have gone missing or fail to display.
This article goes through detailed troubleshooting steps to correct the most common issues with slowness experienced in Chief Architect plan and layout files.
If the registration wizard fails to locate the usb hardware lock device, check to ensure that the computer meets the software version's System Requirements. If the version is supported on the operating system, follow the instructions to download and install the appropriate driver for the device.
If you are having trouble installing your Chief Architect or Home Designer software program, or are receiving an error message or program crash working in the program, submit your technical issue to Technical Support using the Technical Support Center. If you have a question on how to accomplish a particular task in the software, check out these other resources for Training help.
Follow the detailed instructions in this Knowledge Base article to correct exceptions, assertions, null pointer, and SEH error messages. If none of the instructions in the article resolve your specific issue, follow the steps to send the System Information, Message Log, and other relevant files to our Technical Support team for advanced troubleshooting.
Reflections in mirrors only generate in perspective 3D views using rendering techniques that show material textures. If you're in a supported camera view, but reflections still fail to generate, the Reflections setting may be disabled.
Use the Backup Entire Plan/Layout tool found in the File menu to send a project, in its entirety, to a colleague, another Chief Architect user, or Chief Architect Technical Support.
One of theses messages will display if you add a Floor Finish layer or remove the needed framing characteristics from the Floor Structure of a Deck room.
Follow the detailed troubleshooting instructions in this article to resolve issues with registering your Chief Architect software license.
Library catalogs are available for download from our 3D Library website. There are catalogs available for multiple program titles and versions, but you should only install catalogs designed for your version.
Use the detailed instructions in this article to export your Microsoft Windows or Mac System Information to submit to Chief Architect's Technical Support team for troubleshooting.
Select Library> Install Core Content to restart the core catalog download if it has been interrupted or failed. If the process continually fails, check your network proxy or firewall settings.
Use the instructions in this article to obtain the software's Message Log and send it to the Technical Support team using the Technical Support Center.
Spikes can display in 3D views if there is an object connection problem in the plan.
Follow these instructions to resolve most Chief Architect software crashes on a Microsoft Windows operating system.
Live views may experience a loss in quality as you zoom and pan on the layout page. To restore a view’s resolution, simply update or refresh it.
Follow these steps to create a new Data folder to circumvent unexpected behavior caused by having the Documents folder stored on iCloud Drive.
You may receive one of these messages if your structure or an object that you're placing is far from the origin point. Follow the instructions in this resource to resolve this.
If you're receiving several error messages when opening or closing a Chief Architect/Home Designer program, a System Setting/Preference may be blocking the program from accessing all of the required files to function optimally. Please follow the instructions in this resource to resolve the issue.
Follow these steps to move your Data folder to circumvent unexpected behavior caused by having the Documents folder stored on OneDrive.
This error message may occur if your system is having trouble detecting your ATI/AMD graphics card. Download or reinstall your ATI/AMD graphics driver to resolve the issue.
There are some settings within Chief Architect software that, when enabled, will result in degraded performance. Technical Support might have you enable these settings for a short period of time to retrieve data related to troubleshooting specific problems. Once the necessary data is retrieved, Technical Support will have you disable them once again.
Use the instructions in this article to obtain the software's Rendering Log and send it to the Technical Support team using the Technical Support Center.
If you receive one of these messages when attempting to download or update library content, you may need to install an up-to-date Self Signed Certificate from Amazon Trust Services.
If you are met with an error relating to license activation or authentication and you are using a Mac with macOS Sequoia (15), you may need to update your program or disable a feature called Private Wi-Fi address.
Use HP OMEN Gaming Hub or Lenovo Vantage to specify the GPU mode on HP or Lenovo computers that are producing gray screens in Chief Architect programs.