A collection of CAD elements can be blocked together and added to the Library Browser for use in future plans.
Use the Export tools to convert a Chief Architect plan file into a two-dimensional AutoCAD® compatible DXF or DWG file. 3D models can also be exported in a DXF or DWG format while within a 3D camera view.
If the CAD block has been stretched so that it no longer has the same aspect ratio, it cannot be unblocked. The Height and width factor must be reset first.
Custom molding profiles can be drawn in either floor plan view or in a CAD detail window and added to the Library Browser. Existing molding profiles can also be modified further by placing them and editing their shape.
The CAD to Walls tool can be used to convert CAD lines in floor plan view into architectural objects like walls, windows and doors.
Individual CAD lines and arcs can be snapped together end-to-end to form a polyline.
Missing data from DWG or DXF imports can be a result of version compatibility issues, content that is located in model space vs paper space, external referenced files, and more.
The CAD Block Management feature allows you to view a list of all CAD blocks referenced in the current plan. You can also rename, insert, edit, or purge CAD Blocks.
The Fillet Lines and Chamfer Lines edit tools allow you to add fillets, or curves, and chamfers, or angled edges, to the corners of CAD-based objects.
The CAD Blocks library category contains generic drawings that are intended to be a starting point for you to create the exact detail drawing that you need.
Use the CAD tools to create a closed polyline of the desired arch shape, then convert it to a 3D/Polyline Solid.
Create a plot plan polyline by inputing distance and angles into the New CAD Line dialog, then convert the polyline to a terrain perimeter.
Cabinet elevations can easily be created using the Elevation and Dimension tools. In Chief Architect Premier, you can also create a CAD Detail From View and trim unnecessary lines using the Trim Objects tool.
Create a custom gutter profile by using CAD lines, arcs and splines, then add the molding to the library for future use.
Many surveyors save their surveys into a DWG, or DXF, file that contains the elevation information about a lot. Chief Architect can import and use this data.
This article demonstrates how Point to Point Move can be used with Object Snapping behaviors to precisely position a footing, stem wall, and treated sill plate.
Create CAD details in your projects using the Auto Detail tool, CAD Detail From View tool, CAD Blocks located in the library, and/or manually using the CAD tools.
Architectural objects in the library are represented in floor plan view by 2D CAD blocks which can be modified.
You can use custom layers along with specific line styles to draw gas, HVAC, and plumbing lines in your plans.
One way to create a Revision Cloud is to select CAD> Revision Cloud , then click and drag to draw a rectangular shape with edges that display a series of arcs.
Access the Line Style Management dialog to manage line styles located within an existing plan or layout, as well as create new line styles. Additionally, line styles can be created directly from the User Catalog section of the Library Browser.
In some cases, it may be helpful to position a CAD block using an insertion point other than its center. In these instances, you can use the Add Insertion Point tool in a CAD Block window in X15 and newer versions, or the Select Insertion Point edit tool.
A light fixture has several properties that can be customized in Chief Architect, including the size, the light source, materials, as well as the properties relating to a materials list and schedule.
Grey water recycling is an excellent way to reduce water usage because it offers a means to use some water - specifically, grey water - more than once.
Displaying any shadow for a building in plan view is easy when you design with Chief Architect.
A great way to show the as-built condition on a remodel project is to create an As-Built Mask CAD block of the existing structure following these easy instructions.
An isometric cutaway view of your floor system can be created by using floor material regions to show different floor structure layers.
Molding polylines can be used to create HVAC ductwork in your plans for 3D display purposes.
The Project Browser is a convenient way to access all of the views that are present in a plan or layout file.
In Chief Architect Premier X16 and newer versions, CAD details can be copied between files using the contextual menu in the Project Browser.