To see framing in elevation views make sure framing has been generated and that the appropriate layers are set to display in those views.
Floor platform structure can be specified on a floor using the Framing dialog, in a room using the Room specification, or by individual floor joist.
If you do not see wall framing, first make sure that you have built wall framing in the plan. Then, check to see if the 'Retain Wall Framing' setting is enabled. Lastly, ensure that the Wall Type has been correctly configured.
Framing for the floor and ceiling will not generate if certain attributes within the Room Specification dialog box are set incorrectly.
Create a custom wall type, manually adjust the roof, and add manually placed structural members to create this solarium/sun room.
Create a floor, ceiling or roof beam using the Build Framing Floor/Ceiling Beam or Roof Beam menu and manually drawing the structural member.
Learn how to set up Framing Defaults, use automatic framing, use manual framing, and change framing defaults in existing plans.
To produce a particular type of rafter tail, specify the correct settings on the Structure panel of the Build Roof dialog before you build both the roof planes and the roof framing.
If you would like to hang your floor joists, then follow these simple steps.
Wall framing can be edited in a floor plan view or a wall detail view. Once selected, a wall stud can be edited using its edit handles, edit toolbar buttons, or the Framing Specification.
Add posts, beams, roof planes and trusses to create a post and beam structure.
You may recieve a message if you try to draw a framing member at a location other than inside of a structural component that it is meant to frame - for example, if you try to draw a Joist outside of a floor or ceiling platform.
When a Deck room is created, the floor platform is modeled using joists, beams, posts, and planking as specified in the Deck Room Defaults dialog.
The process for creating beams or joists with decorative ends will vary based on the Chief Architect version you're using. Please see this article for more information on creating framing members with decorative ends.
On-center spacing values can be specified for each wall layer that is defined as Framing within a Wall Type. This provides you full control over various different Wall Types in a plan, including those that may consist of multiple Framing layers.
You can set framing defaults to generate steel framing and concrete structural members as well as lumber and other framing types. Individual framing members can also be specified as concrete or steel, as well. When setting up defaults or modifying an individual object, make sure you specify both the desired framing Type and the material.
The concrete cutout for a door can be modified on the Framing panel of its specification dialog.
Door and window framing can be customized in any way you choose when using Chief Architect.
A dropped ceiling is a secondary ceiling, hung below the structural ceiling. May also be referred to as a drop ceiling, false ceiling, or suspended ceiling.
This article provides detailed and in-depth instructions on creating a pole barn in Chief Architect Premier X12 and prior versions.
Automatic Deck Framing is a fast way to generate your decks' posts, beams, joists and planking. You can then modify any of these framing members as needed.
To break up the direction joists build without changing the elevation of your floors or ceilings, place a Bearing Line along with multiple Joist Direction Lines to manually control the direction the joists generate.
The Project Browser is a convenient way to access all of the views that are present in a plan or layout file.
Framing can be modified after creation to allow for unique situations, like providing room for a drain pipe in an as-built plan.
To create a wall with exposed studs you must create a custom wall type with no interior wall layers, generate wall framing, and then turn on the display of the 'Framing, Wall' and 'Framing, Headers' layer(s) while in a camera view.
This article provides detailed and in-depth instructions on creating a structure using post-frame construction in X13 and newer program versions.